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Fairfield Iowa Mental Health Providers

Mental health providers in Fairfield Iowa

Office location:

Katie Ram Building, 500 North 3rd Street, Suite 209, Fairfield, Iowa 52556, USA

Fairfield marriage and family therapists

Dr. Scott Terry Iowa Clinical Supervisor and Marriage and Family Therapist

Dr. Scott Terry

Fairfield counselors

Amber Dressler counselor

Amber Dressler

Angela Andeway Fairfield Iowa therapist

Angela Andeway

Lucy Reese Fairfield Iowa counselor

Lucy Reese

Fairfield social workers

Craig Groehn Fairfield counselor

Craig Groehn

We also do:

  • Phone, video/online conferencing
  • On site counseling
  • Many other arrangements, but for all of these, insurance will often not cover in city locations, but depends on the case, the condition, and the insurance company.

Make an appointment today by calling us on (888) 870-1775 or by filling out our Contact Form.

Fairfield is a town in Southeast Iowa. Mount Pleasant is to the east, Ottumwa is to the west, Keosauqua is to the south, and Washington is to the north.