Why do Firefighters need counseling?
Firefighters are first responders that are often called to situations involving:
- fires
- mass disasters such as tornadoes
- and other distressing events.
Traumatic events require specialized counseling.
Being involved in incidents such as these can be distressing. Firefighter counseling can help prevent the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.
Don’t wait. Begin to heal from Firefighter trauma today – (888) 870-1775
Witnessing traumatic incidents can cause you to have reoccurring memories of the event or situation you witnessed. These memories can affect your ability to do your work, cause sleep issues and affect your ability to relate to your co-workers, friends and family.
Just talking about it with a fellow Firefighter or friend can cause you to relive the trauma and sometimes make it worse. Our counselors have been trained in special techniques that can help you to process the trauma in an effective yet safe way without re-living it. This can help you to deal with it and sometimes to even develop as a person as a result of this experience.
All counseling sessions are kept confidential as per HIPAA counseling regulations.
Contact us to learn more about counseling for Firefighters so that you can begin to heal today and prevent the possible negative effects of your work.
We look forward to working with you.
Make an appointment today by calling us on (888) 870-1775 or by filling out our Contact Form.